Matka Set between the years 1958 and 1982, Matka tells the story of Vasu, who rises from poverty to create a powerful gambling empire in India, ultimately leading the nation into a battle with the government. Based on real events, the tale explores themes of love, moral choices, and the consequences of ambition. This is a Dual Audio [Hindi-English] Movies, Available in Dual Audio (Hindi – English) .
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đIMDb Rating:– 5.7/7
Movie Name:
Language: Hindi
Format: Mkv
Size: 1.2GB â 480MB â 2.5GB
Runtime : 159 minutes
Original language: te
Quality: HDRip 720p â 480p â 1080p
Genres: Action, Crime
Cast: Varun Tej as , Meenakshi Chaudhary as , Nora Fatehi as , Naveen Chandra as , Ajay Ghosh as , Mime Gopi as , V. S. Roopa Lakshmi as , Raj Tirandasu as , Jagadeesh Bandari as
Writers: Karuna Kumar
Director: Karuna Kumar
Set between the years 1958 and 1982, Matka tells the story of Vasu, who rises from poverty to create a powerful gambling empire in India, ultimately leading the nation into a battle with the government. Based on real events, the tale explores themes of love, moral choices, and the consequences of ambition.